
How To Register A Rapist

The sex offenders annals

What is the sex offenders register?

The sex offenders notification requirements is commonly known as the sex activity offenders' register. This is a register containing the details of individuals bedevilled, cautioned or released from prison for a sexual offence against children or adults since 1997.

Does it only apply to offences since 1997?

The sex offenders annals was established by the Sex Offenders Act 1997 (amended by the Sexual Offences Act 2003), just it is unremarkably not retro-active, save for specific exceptions. This means it does non generally include the names of those convicted of sexual offences before it came into consequence on i September 1997.

All the same, if the offender was convicted of a Schedule 3 offence just not withal dealt with on 1 September 1997, they will exist discipline to the notification requirements; and if on that appointment an offender was still serving a prison house judgement; field of study to a community gild; detained in a hospital or was subject to a guardianship guild; or out on licence, in respect of a Schedule 3 offence – the notification requirements apply.

Is it only for registration of sexual offences relating to children?

The sex offenders' registry is not a 'paedophiles' register' and is not limited only to offences against children. The definition of sexual offences under the Sexual Offences Human activity 2003 is wide and covers a range of offences, against both children and other individuals, from rape to voyeurism.

What are the notification requirements?

Nether the Sex Offenders Act, all convicted sex offenders must register with the police, in person, within 3 days of their conviction, or release from prison house. The police are notified past the courts following a conviction; and both the prisons and probation service post-obit an offenders release back into the community. This enables the police force to monitor when individuals must come to register.

What information must be provided on registration?

On registering with the police, an offender must provide specific information including:

  • Their name (and whatsoever other names they may use)
  • Their address and any other address where they regularly stay
  • Whether living with a child; or if staying in a household where a child lives for at to the lowest degree 12 hours a day
  • Details of their conviction
  • Details of bank accounts to which they have access
  • Their engagement of nascence
  • Their national insurance number
  • Details of whatever passports they may hold

Once registered, the police (as the Public Protection Squad) will visit the offender at domicile to check they are living there, and to undertake an breezy assessment.

What if an individual does non register within the three-day period?

It is a criminal offence for an individual to fail to register within 3 days and could upshot in a prison term of up to five years in prison.

Is at that place anything else which a registered offender must do?

One time registered, a convicted sex offender must continue this registration on an annual ground.

If a registered offender changes their name or address they must disembalm this information to the police within iii days. Furthermore, if they are to exist spending vii days or more away from home they must also inform the police within iii days. This is also the instance if an offender wishes to travel outside of the UK.

Failure to notify the police of whatever of the above volition also be a criminal offence.

How long will an individual's details be kept on the sexual practice offenders register?

The length of time an individual must remain on the sexual practice offenders register will depend on the offence which they have committed, and the sentence passed. The length of fourth dimension required to remain on the register is calculated as follows:

  • If an private has been sentenced to life imprisonment; for more than xxx months; or imprisonment and admission to hospital nether a restriction gild – they will exist placed on the sex offenders annals indefinitely
  • If an individual has been sentenced to imprisonment for more than 6 months but less than thirty months – they will be placed on the sex activity offenders register for 10 years
  • If an individual has been sentenced to imprisonment for 6 months or less – they will be placed on the sex offenders annals for 7 years
  • If an individual has been cautioned for an offence under the Sexual Offences Act – they will be placed on the sex offenders register for ii years. If the offender was nether 18, they will be placed on the register for 1 yr

What powers do the police accept in respect of registered sexual activity offenders?

Police forces can photo offenders every time they register, and exchange whatever information they have near registered offenders and their movements. A national computerised police database has been set up to facilitate this information sharing.

Police forces can likewise apply for registered sexual practice offenders to be barred from sure activities and areas frequented past children. This is a civil order and is known as a 'sex offenders order'. Breach of a sexual activity offenders order volition be a criminal offence.

High-risk offenders may also be discipline to further surveillance by the police such every bit electronic tagging. This will exist carried out by local multi-agency public protection panels which volition include the police, probation, social services and any other required agencies. Under this scheme, offenders volition be subject to strict licence conditions; and a breach of these weather condition will plant a criminal offence.

Which agencies will exist notified of the movements of registered offenders?

The following will be notified, on a confidential basis, of the existence of a registered sex offender:

  • Head teachers
  • Doctors
  • Youth leaders
  • Sports order managers
  • Landlords

What is the position for individuals convicted of sexual offences which are no longer offences since the 2003 Deed came into force?

The Sexual Offences Act 2003 abolished certain offences such as consensual sexual activity between men of consenting age. An individual who was subject to a notification requirement under the sex offenders register for sexual offences before the 2002 Human activity came into forcefulness can ask the Home Secretary to elevator the registration and notification requirements.

What are the limitations of the sex offenders register?

The sex activity offenders annals is widely considered not comprehensive plenty, with many sexual offences (particularly confronting children) going unreported. Furthermore, ceremonious liberties campaigners feel it unjust that the register covers all sexual offences. For instance, an underage teenager guilty of a consensual sexual act will be placed on the register alongside individuals convicted of child abuse and rape. However, at that place are no plans now to change the sexual offenders' notification requirements.

Nicola Laver LLB

Nicola Laver LLB

A non-practising solicitor, Nicola is too a fully qualified announcer. For the by xx years, she has worked as a legal journalist, editor and author.

How To Register A Rapist,


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